Thank you for taking the time to read this profile. This profile loves you.

Ryan | He/Him | 26 | Trans + Gay | White | Jewish

General things I love!

Clowns but in a normal way (prommy)
Character design, worldbuilding and fiction
Animation and comics (mostly manga)
Cute stuff :P
Shows and movies people over 60 like
My cats :)

Series I really like!

Puyo Puyo
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory
Natsume Yuujinchou
Dungeon Meshi
Love Live!
Octopath Traveler
And More? :O

Favorite Characters!

I'm full of love these are just the big ones :-)

Just for fun!
Ships I like!

Puyo: Draco/Raffina

Yuujinchou: Natsume/Tanuma

SIF: Ai/Karin, Kasumi/Shizuku, Keke/Sumire, Nico/Success and Happiness

Octopath: Alfyn/Therion, Primrose/H'aanit, Castti/Temenos

D4DJ: Lyrical Lily mix n' match


It's unlikely I'll follow back if you don't have
some sort of extended bio/about, or if you're under 21. Sorry!

My account is mostly sfw, but I might make nsfw jokes.

You're welcome to let me know if I've done something wrong, like making you uncomfortable or saying something ignorant. I'll do my best to fix the problem!

I only block people who are prone to showing up on my timeline, but if you're being ignored, there might be a reason why.

No bigots, No TERFs, Etc.

If you throw around the F slur a lot, especially if you aren't a person normally affected by that word, I will probably avoid you. This includes retweets/reblogs. I also really hate calling everything gay "yaoi" and calling yourselves "fujos". I'm a gay man and these all make me very uncomfortable.

No Proshippers. That includes 17 year olds shipped with 20+ year olds and whatever other hoops you're jumping through to excuse your weird fetishes.

I prefer not to interact with fans of Hypmic, TWST, Genshin/Mihoyo, most VTubers and (if we aren't already friends) Enstars.

Cishet asexuals and aromantics are not inherently LGBT. I do not care if you call me an "exclusionist".